UBUNTU, the CSR Club accomplishes its first project

Delhi Public World School celebrates Yoga Day
Quarterly Newsletter – VOILÁ.

UBUNTU, the CSR Club accomplishes its first project

As part of the CSR Club, UBUNTU, some students of Delhi Public World School visited the Government Elementary School in Sanauli Village accompanied by two teachers and the Infirmary In-charge.

The interactive session with the Government Elementary School comprised of “Personal Hygiene”,whereby Dr. Ruchi Bansal demonstrated the correct techniques of cleaning ears, teeth, nails etc. Next, she exhibited the seven steps to be followed while washing hands. DPWS students participated in the drill and Aftaab Narula and Rishamdeep Aulakh of Grade VIII expressed their thoughts and ideas related to personal hygiene. This was followed by a game session that our students had planned for the kids there.

The purpose of this visit was to develop a sense of cleanliness and responsibility towards the less privileged amongst our students.