
The Curriculum of Delhi World Public School adheres to the National Curriculum Framework 2005 and the CBSE curriculum.

The School believes that the classroom experiences of children are to be organized in a manner that permits them to construct knowledge in consonance with the child’s nature and context, thus providing equal learning opportunities for all children. Teaching aims at enhancing the child’s innate desire and acumen to learn. Therefore, every resource is deployed in a child-centric manner to enable them to express themselves, handle objects, explore their natural and social milieu, and grow up in good health.

Our guiding principles are as follows:

  •  Teaching and learning to shift away from rote methods.
  • Curriculum to be enriched enough to go beyond textbooks.
  • Teach less to learn more.
  • Opportunities to be created to enhance the ability of children to link learned knowledge to life outside the school.
  • Examinations to be more flexible and integrated with classroom life.
  • Classroom experience is directed towards becoming good citizens with a sense of equality and compassion towards others.

Delhi Public World School ensure that, at all times, there is an atmosphere and ethos that supports and encourages learning, based on respect for the individual.
  • Students are responsible for their personal conduct and for contributing to a positive school environment by maintaining order, self-discipline and consideration for the rights and property of others.
Students Rights Students Responsibilities
  • Individual needs of the student within the limitations of the school.       
  • Physical safety and protection of their property, including the right to reasonable school facilities.      
  • Appropriate dialogue with teachers, counselors, administrators and other school personnel.        
  • Protection from discrimination and harassment.
  • Each student has the responsibility to:
  • Respect the rights of others.
  • Maintain neat and clean personal clothing and hygiene.
  • Respect the property of others, including keeping all books, facilities and materials used in the school in good condition.
  • Refrain from fighting, disruptive behaviour, acting in such a manner as to risk injury to others, using threats or intimidation against others, theft, or any other unlawful activity.
  • Be prompt to school and classess.
  • Refrain from inappropriate classroom behaviour.
  • Learn to preserve and protect the environment in school.
  • Refrain from possession, use or transmission of any alcoholic beverage, tobacco product or drugs.

Work Ethics

  • To be regular, up-to-date with work done daily in class.
  • Class work and home work to be diligently completed & handed in on time for correction.
  • Preparation for tests, assignments, examinations, competitions to be well-planned and organized.
  • Notebooks must be neat and orderly. No unnecessary scribbling etc.
  • Staying back beyond school hours requires the requisite permission from parents, concerned teacher and supervisor.
  • Change of residence, phone numbers to be intimated to school authorities immediately (School Register / Class Teacher / Admin Officer).
  • Letter from parent when absent (short / long).
During Examinations
  • Go directly to exam room.
  • Sit quietly at specific desk, read quietly, prepare for exam.
  • All bags, books etc to be left outside classroom in a neat line.
  • No unfair means to be resorted to. No marks will be awarded if unfair means is used.
  • Be prepared with own set of pens, pencils, geometry boxes etc, no borrowing / lending permitted.
  • Any doubt in question paper or otherwise to be cleared with invigilator on duty.
  • Talking to another student strictly not permitted.
  In the Auditorium
  • Disciplined behaviour at all times.
  • Move in neat lines from classrooms to auditorium.
  • No talking during presentations / address by guest speakers / when the compere speaks.
  • Disciplined, quick, orderly dispersal at the end.
  • Co-operation and courtesy to be shown to all.
  In Washrooms
  • Turn off taps, when not in use. Always use water economically.
  • Leave the washroom clean as a courtesy to the next student.
  • Dispose off litter in the bins provided.
  • Do not scribble on doors, walls etc.
  • Do not waste time standing in groups, talking. Be mindful of others who need to use the facilities.
In Library
  • Food and drinks are not permitted in the libraries.
  • The general expectation is that all activities in the libraries will be conducted in a quiet manner to avoid disturbing other library users.
  • Furniture is placed for safety and maximum use of space. Do not move the furniture, including chairs in the conference rooms or computer lab.
  • Users are required to use library equipment for designated purposes only.
  Behaviour Expectations Uniform
  • To be worn smartly and neatly – well washed and ironed.
  • Socks shin length, shoes well polished.
  • Hair neatly trimmed or neatly tied.
  • Tiny rings or studs in ears for girls. No multiple earrings. No nose and finger rings. No nail polish.
      In the Bus, the student is:
  • Courteous and polite to all.
  • Offers seats to all, makes room so all are seated comfortably.
  • Speaks at acceptable noise level.
  • All speech to be respectful, courteous, polite and friendly.
  • Must use the assigned bus to travel to and from and same pick-up and drop-off point.
No Eatables/Drinks allowed in the school bus  


Students must be neatly turned out at all times. Each student must take pride in his/her uniform. No ostentatious articles of jewellery like bangles and bracelets must be worn. Boys will not be allowed to wear studs. Entry into School without uniform is not allowed even after School hours. Students will wear house T-Shirts on days specified by the School. 'The Roseland' is Pre Nursery, Nursery & Prep.



a.   Bottle green check shirt with collar
b.   Green and White check dungaree shorts
c.   Dark green socks with white stripes
d.   Black Liberty shoes with green velcro strap
e.   P.E. White Liberty shoes with green velcro strap


a.   Green and White check box pleat frock
b.   Dark green socks with white stripes
c.   Black Liberty shoes with green velcro straps
d.   P.E. White Liberty shoes with green velcro straps
e.   Green or white clips, hairbands and green or white ribbons


a.   White half sleeve/full sleeve shirt with School monogram on the pocket
b.   White shorts (Class II to V)
c.   White trousers (Class VI onwards)
d.   Dark green belt with the Delhi World Foundation badge
e.   White socks with green stripes
f.   Black Liberty shoes with green velcro straps (with laces for Class VI onwards)
g.   P.E. White Liberty shoes with green velcro straps (with laces for Class VI onwards)
h.   Bottle green patka/turban if required


a. White skirt with box pleats, white half sleeve/ full sleeve shirt with School monogram on the pocket
b. White cycling shorts (compulsory)
c. Dark green belt with the Delhi World Foundation badge
d. White socks with green stripes
e. Black Liberty Shoes with green velcro straps (with laces for Class VI onwards)
f. P.E. White Liberty Shoes with green velcro straps (with laces for Class VI onwards)
g. Green or white clips, hairbands and green or white ribbons



a. White divided skirt with box pleats
b. White cycling shorts (compulsory)
c. The rest of the uniform is as above






a.   Track suit with grey and green top and green pants
b.   Grey warm socks with green stripes
c.   Black Liberty shoes with green velcro straps
d.   P.E. White Liberty shoes with green velcro straps


a.   White full sleeve shirt with School monogram on the pocket
b.   Grey warm trousers
c.   Dark green belt with the Delhi World Foundation badge
d.   Dark green tie
e.   Dark green V-neck pullover – half sleeve/full sleeve
f.   Dark green blazer with the School monogram on the pocket
g.   Grey warm socks with green stripes
h.   Black Liberty shoes with green velcro straps (with laces for Class VI onwards)
i.   P.E. White Liberty shoes with green velcro straps (with laces for Class VI onwards)
j.   Bottle green patka/turban if required



a.  White full sleeve shirt with School monogram on the pocket
b.   Grey warm trousers
c.   Dark green belt with the Delhi World Foundation badge
d.   Dark green tie
e.   Dark green V-neck pullover – half/full sleeve
f.   Dark green blazer with the School monogram on the pocket
g.   Grey warm socks with green stripes
h.   Black Liberty shoes with green velcro straps (with laces for Class VI onwards)
i.   P.E. White Liberty shoes with green velcro straps (with laces for Class VI onwards)
j.   Green or white clips, hairbands and green or white ribbons




House-coloured T-shirts and Cream lowers will be worn with white shoes on the specified days.


House-coloured Track Suits will be worn with white shoes on the specified days.

Please note: Uniforms must be purchased ONLY from the registered School vendor.