Assembly and Theatre in Education (TiE)


Tough times never last, tough people do…

This quote reminds us that while the difficulties are transient, people are durable. It implies that the people, who can weather the tough times, are sufficiently […]

Plastic not fantastic

Delhi World never loses an opportunity to contribute its bit to the cause of conserving the environment and to enlighten the younger generation. The Assembly conducted […]

Don’t limit your challenges, Challenge your limits

“Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” You must face the storms to be able to see the bright sunshine. The challenges that life throws your […]

Patience….does it all!

“What’s meant to be, will always find its way.” Patience is the best thing we can hold on to while in distress. The Assembly by Grade […]

HOPE makes everything possible

Hope, like a ray of sunshine in the darkest hour, shows us the way and gives us strength to choose our path. The Assembly conducted by […]

The Republic Day Extravaganza

‘Our ancestors gave us a glorious past, We need to create the future. This Republic Day, Let’s lead the change and make it the INDIA OF […]

‘The Savior is more powerful than the Destroyer.’

This was the theme for the Assembly conducted by Grade IV. This great thought was presented in the form of a short but very popular skit […]

Healthy Food vs Junk Food

The gravest problem, that the world, today, is dealing with, is obesity among children. There are more people dying of obesity than cancer. And this is […]


In the words of John Donne, “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.” November 19 to 26 […]