“It isn’t the mountains ahead that wear you down, it’s the pebble in your shoe”.

‘Honours’ Morning’

In the words of Walt Disney, “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

Graduation is that special moment when one enters a whole new world of endless opportunities, dreams, hopes and aspirations, when suddenly you realize you are no longer the same person that you used to be.

We commemorated the road that our little ones travelled with us these last few months in the form of this Honours Morning. A journey that had started with tentative steps perhaps, has taken us to remarkable heights. Some exceptionally magical moments were experienced, creating memories that will be fondly remembered in the years to come.

The programme began with a prayer to the Almighty. What followed was a scintillating display of the inherent talents of our little geniuses in the Talent Hunt Show. The air became alive with the resonation of euphonious rhymes and songs. An enchanting enactment of the Fairy-Tale ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ was staged by Grade Nursery. As if the Angels themselves had descended from the heavens above, such was the aura created by these stars! Following this were those special moments, the time to felicitate our young Graduates – the little buds all set to blossom into beautiful flowers. They were awarded a certificate and a sash as an evidence that they had now risen above the Class. It was a proud moment for the parents and the School to see these young ones taking big leaps.

This Graduation Day is a result of steadfastness, resolution and determination to stand together.

The Principal, Mrs. Jyoti Nagranee congratulated all the Graduates and the parents and thanked them for their valuable support and guidance. She apprised everyone of the long journey of these young students from the time they had first entered the portals of Delhi Public World School, Zirakpur and wished them all success for their future.