Propagating for a Clean and Green Future
Christmas Bells ring at The Roseland

Kings are not born, they are made!

Kings are not born, they are made!

“True leaders understand that leadership is not about them but about those they serve. It is not about exalting themselves but about lifting others up.” by Sherry Dew

Every one of us is a leader in our own right. Whether we lead an entire company, or a team of people, or a group of friends, or our families, or just ourselves… we are all kings in some form or fashion. Whatever size our circle of influence may be today, if we work to improve as leaders, that circle of influence will enlarge.

The Assembly conducted by Grade I-C was an endeavour at reinforcing this very belief by means of a thought, a magic word to add to our dictionary and a skit about a lion, which acted as a catalyst. It aimed at bolstering up the fact that true leaders know who they are and what they stand for. They know their values and the rules they will abide by, regardless of the circumstances they face, creating an atmosphere of certainty and trust.
……….Thus they become KING of hearts.