Celebrating the spirit of patriotism
Theatre Workshop for Students

Quiz on Freedom Movement

To instill, in its students, the feeling of belonging to this great nation, is a responsibility that DPS World is committed to fulfill. We conduct various activities that lead us to the accomplishment of this goal and nurture the patriotic feeling.

A step towards the attainment of this aim, was an Inter-House Quiz Competition organized in the school. It was based on the period of Freedom Movement from 1915 to 1947. The four House-teams consisted of three participants each. There were four rounds of questions – simple question- answer round, audio-visual, buzzer round and rapid fire.

All the participants exhibited excellent team-work and an amazing understanding of their country’s history. They all answered the questions very enthusiastically.

The House that stood victorious was Kaveri followed by Yamuna and Narmada respectively.

The Principal, Mrs. Jyoti Nagranee congratulated the winners and encouraged all the participants to read more to keep themselves updated and broaden their horizons.